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- Millénaire's language setting will now automatically follows that of Minecraft whenever possible (this can be overridden) - Fixed major bug in 2.1.1 where many custom Millénaire blocks would be of the wrong type when placed by the player
2019/05/18 2019/05/20 4GB is not a whole lot for modded minecraft. This may be the issue, but for now I will ignore it. Just know that modded minecraft became very heavy on ram beyond 1.7.10 in favor of less CPU. You might need to push the allocated 2019/04/15 Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0\_51, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory GMT+8, 2020-6-23 14:28, Processed in 0.021282 second(s), Total 3, Slave 2 queries, Release: Build.2020.06.06.2311, Gzip On, Redis On. " Minecraft "以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标 本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系
Minecraft Crash Report ----// I bet Cylons wouldn't have this problem. Time: 11/4/19 10:40 PM Description: Initializing game java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry entry for ItemBlock net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@732bac6a, id 92
2019/05/20 4GB is not a whole lot for modded minecraft. This may be the issue, but for now I will ignore it. Just know that modded minecraft became very heavy on ram beyond 1.7.10 in favor of less CPU. You might need to push the allocated 2019/04/15 Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0\_51, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory
GMT+8, 2020-6-23 14:28, Processed in 0.021282 second(s), Total 3, Slave 2 queries, Release: Build.2020.06.06.2311, Gzip On, Redis On. " Minecraft "以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标 本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系 2019/07/29 Yop tout le monde! :D Je viens vers vous à cause d'un problème de type problématique Quand je lance mon modpack fait par mes soins, tout fonctionne correctement, jusqu'au moment de charger un monde, à ce moment là, le jeu fait genre tout va très bien dans le meilleur des mondes lorsque 2015/04/22 2018/02/24
2019/05/18 2019/05/20 4GB is not a whole lot for modded minecraft. This may be the issue, but for now I will ignore it. Just know that modded minecraft became very heavy on ram beyond 1.7.10 in favor of less CPU. You might need to push the allocated
Yop tout le monde! :D Je viens vers vous à cause d'un problème de type problématique Quand je lance mon modpack fait par mes soins, tout fonctionne correctement, jusqu'au moment de charger un monde, à ce moment là, le jeu fait genre tout va très bien dans le meilleur des mondes lorsque
2015/04/22 2018/02/24